
Telehealth services offered in Reston, VA


Visiting your doctor’s office can be an immense challenge if you’re struggling with problems like depression, anxiety, or post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Board-certified psychiatrists Prashanth Pillai, MD, and Ksenia Pillai, MD, at The Fountain Group in Reston, Virginia, offer secure telehealth services for all psychiatric disorders. They use internet-based technology for confidential, less stressful consultations in your home. Call The Fountain Group today or schedule a consultation online to learn more about telehealth’s many benefits.

Telehealth Q&A

What is telehealth?

Telehealth offers patients a convenient way to access psychiatric treatment without leaving home. You talk to your psychiatrist using your desktop computer, laptop, or a mobile device like a smartphone.

The Fountain Group uses secure internet video link technology conforming to the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA) to ensure patient confidentiality.

What conditions are suitable for telehealth treatment?

Mental health conditions that can benefit from telehealth include:

  • Depression
  • Bipolar disorder
  • Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) 
  • Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)
  • Anxiety disorders
  • Phobias
  • Personality disorders
  • Autism spectrum disorder (ASD)
  • Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD)

Many medical providers use telehealth for various primary care services, but it’s particularly suited to psychiatric disorders.

Telehealth is significantly less stressful for people with depression, fatigue, low self-esteem, anxiety, and other problems common with psychiatric illnesses. These conditions often make it hard for people to venture from their safe space at home for in-person visits. In addition, you’ll likely need repeated consultations as recovery can take time.

What benefits does telehealth offer me?

In addition to enabling you to avoid stressful in-person visits, telehealth offers several other benefits, including:


Telehealth appointments don’t require much time because there is no traveling, parking, or waiting in your doctor’s office. Instead, you log in to a virtual waiting room before your consultation. You don’t have to miss appointments because you’re sick or can’t get child care, and you can set up a video link from anywhere with a stable internet connection.


Repeated psychotherapy and medication management appointments over months or years add up to a lot of gas, parking charges, or public transport costs that telehealth bypasses. You also don’t need to use as much unpaid time off work.


Telehealth is a lifeline for people with disabilities and those living far from their psychiatrist’s office.

Infection control

Staying home to talk with your psychiatrist means you avoid everyone’s germs and reduce your risk of picking up colds, flu, COVID-19, and stomach bugs. This might be especially important for someone with an immune system disorder or weakness who’s vulnerable to complications.

You can access regular therapy sessions using telehealth and receive electronic prescriptions for medication. The Fountain Group delivers all its services remotely. They might later expand to offer on-site consultations.

Call The Fountain Group today or book an appointment online to see how telehealth can help you overcome mental health problems.