ADHD services offered in Reston, VA


Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) develops because of differences in how a child’s brain works. If your child shows signs of ADHD, contact Prashanth Pillai, MD, and Ksenia Pillai, MD, at The Fountain Group in Reston, Virginia. They specialize in mental health problems like ADHD, offering complete care for children and adults affected by the condition. Call The Fountain Group today or schedule a telehealth consultation online for expert treatment that helps you or your child manage ADHD successfully.


What is ADHD?

ADHD causes three problematic behaviors — inattentiveness, hyperactivity, and impulsivity.


Inattentive behaviors include:

  • Frequent daydreaming
  • Difficulty concentrating
  • Dislike of focused tasks
  • Forgetfulness
  • Not listening properly
  • Lack of organizational skills

Children with inattentive symptoms often lose themselves in their own world.


Hyperactive children are constantly on the go. They have endless energy, hate sitting still, and are frequently disruptive in class. They’re impatient, interrupting others’ conversations and failing to wait their turn. They can be difficult for parents to control and often get into trouble at home and school.


IImpulsive behaviors make children act without thinking. Instead of considering their action’s consequences, they jump in as soon as the idea occurs. Impulsiveness often causes injuries, hurts others, and gets children into trouble.

Children can have ADHD that is primarily inattentive, hyperactive/impulsive, or a combination of behaviors.

Do adults get ADHD?

ADHD develops in childhood because of differences in how the brain develops. Problem behaviors usually show up when children start school and must regularly be present by age 12 for an ADHD diagnosis. You won’t develop ADHD as an adult, but the condition is usually lifelong, continuing to cause problems in adulthood.

The behaviors you exhibit as an adult might change from those you had as a child, and some people find their symptoms improve with age. But many continue to have difficulties coping with daily life because of ADHD.

Awareness of ADHD is growing, so more children receive a diagnosis now. However, many become adults without knowing why they’re different and develop additional problems like depression and substance use disorder. If your child consistently displays ADHD symptoms, contact The Fountain Group for a timely diagnosis so that they can get the help they need.

What help is available for people with ADHD?

ADHD treatment usually combines behavioral therapy and medication for the most effective symptom management.

Medications like stimulants increase activity in the part of your brain that doesn’t work so well when you have ADHD. It improves the nerve connections in your brain, making it easier to control impulses and manage hyperactivity.

Behavioral therapy addresses the problems you encounter and teaches you to manage them. You learn to identify unhelpful thoughts, challenge negative thinking, and resist acting on impulse.

Call The Fountain Group today or book an appointment online to benefit from expert ADHD diagnosis and treatment for all ages.