
Autism services offered in Reston, VA


Autism causes a wide range of problems centered around communication and social skills. If you think your child might have autism, talk to Prashanth Pillai, MD, and Ksenia Pillai, MD, at The Fountain Group in Reston, Virginia. They offer thorough evaluations and sensitive, personalized treatment to help children manage the challenges autism causes. Call The Fountain Group today or schedule a telehealth consultation online for expert autism support.

Autism Q&A

What is autism?

Autism is a neurodevelopmental condition caused by differences in a child’s brain. It leads to communication, learning, and social skills challenges varying from mild impairment to severe disability.

Because autism’s effects cover a wide range, the condition is autism spectrum disorder (ASD). You or your child can be anywhere on this spectrum. At one end are people who can’t communicate and need constant care. On the other are people with high-functioning autism who are often exceptionally bright and accomplished.

Rather than considering ASD to always be a negative diagnosis, many people with the condition describe themselves as neurodivergent. That means their brains handle information differently than the majority, who are neurotypical.

But wherever you are on the ASD scale, you face challenges that can considerably affect your quality of life.

How do I know if my child has autism?

Unless your baby has severe autism, you probably won’t initially notice anything different about them. But as they grow, their behavior will differ from other children their age. Symptoms you might see include:

  • Not reacting when you point
  • Failure to make eye contact
  • Lack of interaction
  • Inability to interpret facial expressions
  • Few or no friends
  • Disinterest in talking
  • Preferring to be alone
  • Intolerance to change
  • Obsessions with certain activities or toys
  • Light and sound sensitivity
  • Disliking physical contact

Some children walk on their toes or make repeated movements like rocking and spinning.

Any child might display some of these symptoms without having ASD. But if your child has a significant number or their behavior is consistently different from other children, it’s wise to consult The Fountain Group for an expert assessment.

How is autism treated?

ASD is lifelong, but neurodivergent people often learn to celebrate their differences. The condition gives you an alternative perspective, allowing you to make connections and discoveries that neurotypical people can’t.

Nevertheless, navigating a world where most people see things differently can be tricky. So people with ASD often struggle to manage, especially with social interactions.

The Fountain Group’s experienced psychiatrists offer tailored treatment to help children and adults manage the problems ASD causes. They use behavioral therapy to help you or your child reduce stress and conflict. Medication can be used to manage some symptoms.

Call The Fountain Group today or book an appointment online for expert autism support.